From Erik Larson, bestselling author and master of narrative nonfiction, comes the enthralling story of the sinking of the Lusitania. Larson tells a thrillingly story that many of us think we know but don’t, switching between hunter and hunted...
New York Times bestselling author Allison Pataki follows up on her critically-acclaimed debut novel, The Traitor’s Wife, with the little-known and tumultuous love story of “Sisi,” the Austro-Hungarian Empress and captivating wife of Emperor Franz Joseph. Plucked from obscurity...
Her name is legend. Her story, the epic of nations. The Queen of Sheba. A powerful new novel of love, power, and the questions at the heart of existence by the author of the award-winning Author of Iscariot, Tosca...
Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential On the Strip Radio Network partnered with Hachette Book Group to create 20 insightful 90-second vignettes explaining the “5 Levels of Leadership” as outlined in the book, The 5 Levels of Leadership by...
Dr. Andrew Weil may be the most well-known alternative medicine expert on the planet. His face has graced countless national magazine covers, and has made appearances on numerous television shows across the country. Dr. Weil is the go-to, trusted...
Partnering with DoubleDay books, OSN created a month long program highlighting one of the most celebrated novelists and best selling authors, John Grisham and the release of his legal thriller, The Associate. In The Associate radio minute, twenty 90-second...
Flickering lights, snow, hot cocoa, guest appearances by jolly Saint Nick and the red-nosed reindeer are accompanied by trails of peppermint and Yuletide carols in the air. There’s no doubt—it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Join bestselling...
In the spirit of the Halloween season, ID Radio features National Geographic Kids’ That’s Creepy: Spine-Tingling Facts That Will Test Your Creep-out Factor! In a world where werewolves rule and vampires are just the boy or girl next door, kids...
The Technology and Entertainment Minute covers what people are excited and talking about: high definition TV’s, personal and mobile electronics, gadgets, digital photography, home theater and automation, automotive electronics and computers. It’s the technology that entertains us. On the Technology and...
While America’s Mercury Seven explored the great unknown, their wives waded their way through overnight celebrity status and tried to get accustomed to questioning the strength of their marriage while they feared for the safety of their husbands. To...