Dr. Andrew Weil may be the most well-known alternative medicine expert on the planet.
His face has graced countless national magazine covers, and has made appearances on numerous television shows across the country. Dr. Weil is the go-to, trusted resource in the US for issues that are near and dear to listeners young and old.
“A Mindful Minute with Dr. Andrew Weil” is a daily, nationally syndicated health program with information and advice on vitamins and minerals, organic foods, alternative medicine, and Dr. Weil’s “integrative medicine” approach to healthy and balanced living.
Integrative medicine focuses on maintenance of health by paying attention to all relative components of lifestyle, including diet, exercise, stress management, and emotional well-being. It insists on patients being active participants in their health care, as well as on being viewed as a whole—minds, community members, and spiritual beings, as well as physical bodies. Dr. Weil serves as a guide, role model, and mentor, as well as dispenser of therapeutic aids and advice in his one minute vignette heard nationally.
With an affluent and educated buyer driving the marketplace, interest, demand, and popular culture are coalescing into a huge movement with no signs of slowing down. Dr. Andrew Weil is the perfect host for the show that will educate and inform listeners across the country daily. His recent text is Spontaneous Healing.