Flickering lights, snow, hot cocoa, guest appearances by jolly Saint Nick and the red-nosed reindeer are accompanied by trails of peppermint and Yuletide carols in the air. There’s no doubt—it’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Join bestselling author Alexander McCall Smith in celebrating the holiday spirit in a one-hour radio special, Share the Holidays with Alexander McCall Smith. Featuring audio clips from the celebrated author of The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency and holiday music from across the globe (think: Ladysmith Black Mambazo and even bagpipes from Scotland!), Smith will share stories about the season and what it means to him and to the characters in his books, Mma Makutsi of The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency and Isabel Dalhousie of the eponymous Isabel Dalhousie Mysteries.
Share the Holidays with Alexander McCall Smith reminds us that, regardless of where we live or which holiday we choose to celebrate and how to do so, it’s a special time of year for us all—a time for family, giving, reflections on the past year and looking forward into the new year. And for the most part, no matter who you are, you’ll be hit with a little holiday spirit.
Share the Holidays with Alexander McCall Smith will be available on December 10 at no cost to all stations.

Please contact Creative PR, [email protected], 888-233-5650 or On The Strip Radio, [email protected], (310) 566-4633 for more information.